Tuesday, November 11, 2008


**ring ring ring**

Me: Good morning. Litigation Department.

Confused Male Voice: Oh......I'm sorry.....I have the wrong number.

Me: Maybe not. Who were you attempting to reach?

Male Voice: I'm calling for Ringlet (insert her real name here)

Me: Really? Well I'm Ringlet's mother. What can I do for you??

Male Voice: I'm so-and-so from such-and-such organization. We're private headhunters engaged in the business of locating colleges that match up with the educational requirements of students based upon their chosen profession and field of study.

Me: You don't say?

Eager Male Voice: Yes and it is at no cost to the student. We were contacted on line by Ringlet regarding her interest in becoming a forensic scientist.

Me: Really?

Confident Male Voice: Yes ma'am. Can I please inquire whether the Ringlet is graduating from high school this year?

Me: Yes you may and no she is not.

Male Voice: Could you please tell me when she will be graduating so that I can better assess her scholastic opportunities.

Me: 2015

Completely Lost Male Voice: <>

Me: Hello?

Baffled Guy: She's..........11 years old?

Me: Yup.

Laughing Baffled Guy: Would you say she's a bit of an over-achiever?

Me: Yup. And I'm sorry that she has wasted your time.

Clearly Shaking His Head Baffled Guy: Not at all. Ya know, most kids her age are spending their time time messing around on sites where they don't belong, putting stuff they shouldn't on websites, and getting in trouble in chat rooms or porn sites and your 11 year old daughter is contacting college recruitment companies and giving them her mother's contact information.

Me: Apparently so.

Dude: Bravo.

Me: Maybe, but I'm still going to be chatting with her about giving out Mommy's phone number to people without talking to Mommy first. But thank you for your inquiry.

Nice Dude: No problem. Have her call me in about 5 or 6 years.

Me: Will do.